Tuesday, June 22, 2010

New Orleans Floral Trail

I was looking forward to this weekend since I got the itinerary in the mail. The road trip included the newest member of the blonde squad, Kayan, the Crawfish Queen. When we got settled in our room with Courtney and Jade, the ten visiting queens and moms went to dinner at the House of Blues. Then, the next stop was a haunted history tour of the French Quarter. Our tour guide was... lets just say strange. After finishing, we got on the streetcar and rode to Creole Creamery where Kayla works. It was quite possibly the best ice cream I have ever eaten. When we tried to catch the streetcar back to the hotel, we ended up waiting for over an hour. Many interesting honks and stares happened with us waiting practically in the road.

After a long night, we woke up and attended mass in the St. Louis Cathedral. Business Suits weren't the most comfortable attire in the heat, but we changed into our formals for the presentation of the court. To see the little girls in white antebellum dresses was adorable. The ceremony was where Kayla's scepter was officially retired. It was sad to see her go, she always traveled with a smile on her face and there were few dull moments with her. She crowned her successor, Alexandra McLain Goodwin. After the carriage ride through the French Quarter, there was a formal presentation and dinner in her honor. Overall it was such a fun weekend in New Orleans!

Rayne Children's Fishing Derby

Saturday began early with a trip to Rayne for the annual children's fishing derby. I couldn't stay long (since we had to drive to New Orleans for Floral Trail that morning) but I helped with registration. This is just one of the many FREE events that the city hosts throughout the year and it is a reminder of how the community comes together. This girl was adorable with her bait... crickets!

Friday, June 11, 2010

More Pictures from the Photo shoot!!

Many many thanks to Edward Leger for the beautiful pictures!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Photo Shoot with Edward Leger

The busy weekend didn't end on Sunday. Monday included a second photo shoot with Edward Leger. Thank God it was an indoor studio shoot because it was disgusting outside. Many many thanks to (one of my many) big sister Courtney Kunau Davis! I hope to post more pictures soon but I was EXTREMELY happy with the shoot!!

Church Point Buggy Festival

Sunday was EXTREMELY hot. We arrived in Church Point at 9am for my FIRST buggy ride! We rode a few blocks to church, and sat in mass for what seemed like forever. But I didn't mind the air conditioning. After, I got to see Chynna Fontenot officially crown Hannah Carriere! After, we ate and got dressed for the parade. As I told Chynna... It wasn't hot, it was SPICY. After the parade we headed home, but my weekend still wasn't done!


Saturday, I came back home to see a dear friend give up her title. Paige Peterson and I met when I was Teen Frog, thanks to Amanda Sills. I wasn't able to see her win Queen Ray*La*Ne but I was extremely happy for her. She did such and AMAZING job representing the only tropical children's festival in the state and I was so proud of her. Although a "has been" for now, I expect to see her compete soon!! She crowned April Nelson as her successor. I know April wanted this title and I can't wait to travel with her!

New Adventure

So I know it seems silly to start blogging so late in my year, but I decided to start something new. I have met so many new people throughout my reign and there have been so many memories at events across the state. I plan to post pictures and stories after each event so you can travel with me too!